Research Grants
SASOG Research Grants
Research funding will be dependent on available funds and allocations will favour registrar’s projects. Funds may be used for expenses such as running costs, laboratory, staff, editing or author’s fees, but capital equipment cannot be funded. An attempt will be made to distribute funds equally between Obstetrics and Gynaecology and between all medical faculties in the country, but selection will be on a competitive basis.
The maximum amount per project will be R30 000 per annum, renewable for at most two years. Grant recipients must acknowledge SASOG in all research outputs and provide Council with either their research output or a project report after 12 months. Recipients will be exempted from registration fees for one SASOG conference in order to communicate results to SASOG members.
SASOG National Conference Travel Grants
This bi-annual conference is hosted by SASOG council in collaboration with University departments and regions in rotation. External congress organisers are contracted but the academic programme is arranged by a programme committee of academics and SASOG members. The academic meeting sub-committee will be involved in these decisions and in setting dates. The national SASOG conference is financially independent and usually results in a profit for the organisation.
Registrars attend for a smaller registration fee, and can apply for financial support to attend provided they will participate in some way; a maximum of two per department will be part supported.